Tuesday, April 24, 2012

More et ceteras

An incident last week in Afghanistan received far less media coverage than it should have: In the town of in Rustaq, more than 100 schoolgirls (no boys) were hospitalized after drinking water at their school that had been poisoned. Local authorities believe the poisoning was done by the Taliban, which banned girls from attending school before the U.S. military ousted it from power.

Isn’t it strange that so many American liberals, who claim to care about gender equality and are lightning-fast to condemn our military, can not be bothered to speak up for female victims of Islamist misogyny? Do they not want to criticize the Islamists because they admire how devoted the Islamists are to opposing Judeo-Christian values? Or do they not want to criticize them because they know a dedicated Islamist, unlike a dedicated American conservative, would not hesitate to kill them? Either way, liberal silence over the Rustaq incident is disgraceful.

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Speaking of stories not getting the media attention they deserve, it has been reported that a third gun was discovered at the scene where Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered; however, its discovery was covered up and gag orders issued to people who knew of it.

Third gun or no, the media’s lack of outrage over Terry’s murder is an outrage in and of itself. As you may be aware, he was slain with weapons that the Obama administration, via the U.S. Department of Justice, sold to violent Mexican drug cartels as part of the scandalous program known as Operation Fast and Furious. If a Republican had been president when such a program was implemented, and it resulted in the death of an American public servant, the media firestorm would be so intense that the president would need to resign in disgrace a la Richard Nixon. But when the president is a Democrat, the MSM yawns and looks away.

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I had some harsh comments about Earth Day in my last post. I stopped short of calling it a Socialist holiday, but now I am going all the way and calling it that because I just learned something I did not previously know: April 22nd is not only Earth Day, but Lenin’s birthday!

I do not know whether that is a coincidence or whether Earth Day’s founders picked the 22nd on purpose; but I do know that those founders, from Paul Ehrlich to Denis Hayes, believed that a strong central government should assert control over human behavior and grab ownership of Nature’s resources. That belief is the essence of Socialism/Communism. And I have always thought FDR was onto something when he remarked that “in politics, nothing is a coincidence.”

Earth Day’s founders may have believed their hyperbolic warnings of impending doom. But even so, they used the environment as a cudgel to intimidate people who disagreed with them and to pursue ends long desired by Socialists/Communists the world over.

Everyday people who are blessed with good intentions but cursed with bad information do not deserve to have their hearts exploited to rob them and their descendants of essential liberty. That is why a healthy anti-environmentalist movement needs to rise up and make its voice be heard.

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George Zimmerman was released on bond yesterday. Not freed in the sense of being acquitted, mind you, but merely released so he does not have to remain in jail until a trial determines whether he is guilty or innocent. As reported on The Weekly Standard, his release was quickly greeted by people on Twitter writing “Let’s kill him!” and “kill the judge!!!!!”

It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that what we know about the Martin-Zimmerman case is a) limited and b) far too murky to assign guilt and innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. For people to go on Twitter and advocate the vigilante murder of people they do not know to be guilty is wicked -- especially when you consider that vigilante murder is the exact thing they are supposedly protesting against.

Those Twitterers need to stop wallowing in the words of race-baiting rabble-rousers and start heeding the words of Martin Luther King, who wrote: “In no sense do I advocate evading or defying the law…This would lead to anarchy…I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and willingly accepts the penalty by staying in jail to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.”

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I ended my last post by writing: “That’s enough for now. There is hockey to watch. So as they say: Peace Out!” I will end this post by saying the same. The Devils and Panthers just started OT, and I am off to see what happens…


  1. John, I'm with you all the way on these "etceteras"! As an interesting aside (to me, at least) my Mom called me this morning to ask what the meaning of May Day (The celebration of May first) was about. She talked of the May-pole and it's streamers and how she and her school-mates had danced around that pole in grammar school. I looked on the internet and found that it's a pagan or neo-pagan celebration in the northern hemisphere of the mid point between Winter and Summer. Another case of people following leaders (teachers) without understanding the background or meaning behind it. Don't know why - but it seems we are a nation that acts as blind followers.

  2. John, I'm with you all the way on these "etceteras"! As an interesting aside (to me, at least) my Mom called me this morning to ask what the meaning of May Day (The celebration of May first) was about. She talked of the May-pole and it's streamers and how she and her school-mates had danced around that pole in grammar school. I looked on the internet and found that it's a pagan or neo-pagan celebration in the northern hemisphere of the mid point between Winter and Summer. Another case of people following leaders (teachers) without understanding the background or meaning behind it. Don't know why - but it seems we are a nation that acts as blind followers.
