Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mr. Sowell

Thomas Sowell turns 83 years old today. Over the years I have read the writings of many great thinkers, and none of them can match Sowell's analytical skills or his ability to communicate important ideas in plain English. When I first discovered him in the early 1990's, his columns and books invigorated my mind like a jolt of lightning, and they have continued doing that ever since.

If you are not familiar with his biography, you may want to read this tribute that I wrote when he turned 79. But to really appreciate a scribe, it is best to read his own words in full with recent history in mind, here are my five favorite Thomas Sowell columns from the past two months, in order from newest to oldest:

The Loss of Trust

Who "Needs" Immigrant Labor?

When the Lybia Lies Fell Apart

"Diversity": The Magic Word

Academia's Unexamines Assumptions

To follow his columns, and read other things about him, you can visit his web site here.

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